My name is Mike Nakielski and I have been performing the art of taxidermy since the age of 10 when my father helped me with my first goose mount. My father, Mike W. Nakielski, Jr., started working with taxidermy in 1970 when he established his own shop in the basement of his Milwaukee home. Since I was six years old, I would go out and hunt with my father and now in my early 30's, I haven't missed an opening day of duck season with him since.

As I gained further fascination in the sport of hunting and the art of taxidermy, I have carried my father's establishment into what it is known as today, Pro Taxidermy.

Pro Taxidermy is now located at my homestead at W2542 Butler Road in Iron Ridge, WI, where I live with my beautiful wife, Jen. We have recently built our new home next door to my parent's house.

If you have any further questions or interest, please contact me anytime by phone at (262) 224-5905 or by e-mail at

Thank you for your interest in Pro Taxidermy.

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